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We accept donations only from Indian Nationals at the moment as we do not have FCRA permission yet. If you are not one, write to us at team@yultimate.org to figure out other ways to support us.

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As a non-profit, we continue to do what we love to do through the generous support of our supporters and donors. Every donation makes a world of difference to us.

You can support us by

    • Donating to us through this website
    • As an organisation we do not accept cash or anonymous donations, therefore submitting the PAN and address is mandatory.
    • Recurring donations help us to remain sustainable through a monthly inflow of resources that help us plan in advance.
    • You can make a recurring donation or one-time donation using the form on this page.

    • Fundraising for us through Give.do logo Crowdera
    • Crowdera is a crowdfunding platform that we have partnered with to raise funds.
    • You can start your own fundraiser to our program and monitor the progress of the campaign at your end.
    • This could be a great way to make a day / week for you and your loved ones memorable.

    • Connecting us to an organisation in India that uses Benevity .
    • We have been vetted and onboarded by Benevity, for corporate giving, matching and volunteering programs.
    • If you or any organisation you know in India, are partnered with Benevity , you can add our Benevity Cause ID (356-5695469003925_66af) and share about us with the employees of the organisation.


What can the money you donate do?

The money you donate to us can help us in the following ways.

₹100 Empowers one child to attend one session.
₹800 Empowers one child to attend one month's session.
₹6,000 Covers the cost of a Youth Coach to work in one community for one month.
₹16,000 Covers the cost of one community of upto 20 children for one month.
₹24,000 Covers the cost of one community of upto 30 children for one month.
How do we use the money that is donated to us?

The donations made to us is mainly used to cover coach and community manager remuneration, travel, equipment to conduct sessions, tournaments (field rent, electrolytes, refreshment, lunch, travel, promotion, ground staff etc.) at the programmatic level.

A small part of the contribution also adds up to the expenses towards the office rent, administrative, and management staff who enable the smooth functioning of the organisation on ground.

How do we know you are using the money on ground?
  • All our Annual Reports and Financials are public on the website. You can see how we have spent over the years there.
  • We are active on our social media platforms to keep the supporters updated on our work. Find us on:
  • We are happy to have a conversation with you to answer your queries anytime, please write to team@yultimate.org with benoy@yultimate.org in CC
What is our acknowledgement and tax exemption system?
  • When you donate on any of our platforms, you will get an automated email to the email ID you submitted that you have made the transaction.
  • Further our team will check and provide a donation receipt within 2 weeks of donating the amount over email. This is processed after the money hits our bank account.
  • We do not encourage any anonymous donations to keep our compliance and accounting at the highest level of transparency possible. Our Bank details are also not available on any public platform.
  • Kindly share your accurate details especially the PAN to ensure smoother accounting & operations. We shall share form 10BE after the financial year ends for claiming Indian Income Tax Exemption.
I'm an Indian citizen currently residing outside the country, therefore I'm unable to contribute non-Indian currency through the website.

  • Write to team@yultimate.org to donate in non-Indian currency.
  • The backend that we use (Razorpay) does not support international transaction now as we do not have FCRA. However, donating in non-Indian currency is completely legal and we shall share bank details for you to contribute directly via an account transfer.In order to avoid anonymous donations, we do not share these details publicly through the website.

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Registered as "Flyingdisc Development Foundation" under Section 8 of Indian Companies Act, 2013 and exempted under Section 80(g) of the Income Tax Act,1961.
Y-Ultimate© 2022. All Rights Reserved.